vi / vim

Vim 7 Autocomplete

Vim 7.0 was lauched sometime back, but I wasn’t able to check it, But its awesome. The Autocomplete or intellisense built is just too good. It supports various filetypes, it will complete the function as well as show a preview of what arguments are expected out of it.

First check if you have Vim 7 installed and in the VIM directory if you have a folder called autoload. If you have check if it contains *complete.vim files. If everything is Good… lets move…

Lets add PHP autocomplete feature. In your $HOME/.vimrc file add the following command

autocmd FileType php set omnifunc=phpcomplete#CompletePHP

Once done, Open any PHP file and within the <?php tag, write mysql_c and press Ctrl-x Ctrl-o , and here is what happens

Vim 7 PHP autocomplete

You can see a Full list of functions begining with mysql_c

The .vimrc command that we added supports intellisense like autocomplete only for PHP filetypes, note FileType php in the statement. If you want to add support for the other languages as well

  • Open the autoload/<filetype>complete.vim file
  • Check for intial lines like …
    function! htmlcomplete#CompleteTags(findstart, base)
    if a:findstart
  • Now, I had opened htmlcomplete.vim file, Now to add support for html files…
    • Add the following command
      autocmd FileType html set omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags

Thats it ! add more support the way you want…

By ruturajv

developer, traveler...

8 replies on “Vim 7 Autocomplete”

Is there a way to see the function’s parameter when there’s only one match?

I write this

or maybe even just this

then press (C-X)(C-O) and I’d get the preview of the function prototype.

I have just started using vim as an editor…but
soon realized that its not just editor…its an IDE…
its really helpful when u r lost in IDEs….
Nice post…
thanx a lot and expecting more on vim here. 🙂

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